Forums - The Mighty Silver-Samurai Show all 22 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- The Mighty Silver-Samurai ( Posted by celestboy on 09:28:2000 06:09 AM: Does anyone have any good strategies for this Evil Swordsmen? He must be a top-tier character because he's so freakin' hard to learn. Ok Thanks! MvC2 doesn't suck! You just suck at it! Posted by Mistawicket on 09:28:2000 06:57 AM: Use his shuriken to your advantage. You can contoll it's direction some what by holding up or down. Use his fire sword (qcf+kk - after putting his sword on fire qcb+fk)on opponents who jump around alot like (Cammy, Spiderman). His Hyper Fire move will frustate them real fast if they don't adjust. Tie in his lightning sword after doing His rapid sword slash. (uppercut motion, foward + p rappidly, then qcf+pp.) Most of his basic attaks are 2 in ones. Use those to poke away at your opponents life bar. fp,fp is a good one. Also ,use the ice, fire, and lightning swords to get extra damage on basic attacks (qcb + hk,mk, or p) Posted by shadowcharlie on 09:28:2000 07:20 AM: use lightning mode a lot to be able to do your super star in the air and use it a t point blank range to cut their health+ you cna juggle like a crazed monkey in lightniing mode to stand in my way is to feed your soul to the jaws of death, your are weak for not simply realying on your fists. Posted by Dasrik on 09:28:2000 10:27 PM: It's all about ice x3. Posted by Black Rain on 09:29:2000 05:34 AM: Use the Cho Shuriken to Chip like a bitch but be careful of beamers. Also the opponent can also knock away all the Cho-Shuriken with normal punches and kicks without getting hurt. Use the Rameiken for Anti Air. Yo ass is glass and I'm gonna break it! Posted by shadowcharlie on 09:29:2000 06:41 AM: dont get too cheap with ice mode ok? thanks and do notdo the stars at long range, with ithe chip at max you can do it at point blanck range to stand in my way is to feed your soul to the jaws of death, your are weak for not simply realying on your fists. Posted by 808Tallguy on 10:03:2000 03:40 AM: i dunno if u know this but the swords change all his combo's. lyk if ur in regular mode, u cannot do standing lp, mp, fp. but in lightning mode, u can do lp, lk, mp, mk, fp fk. he can also connect a standing roundhouse into an his air star super thing. his fire sword makes his star super better. u do that and b4 they land, u can connect a qcf+kk. i don't know n e thing about his ice tho. Posted by shadowcharlie on 10:03:2000 06:55 AM: in ice mode hid def. rises and he can do a trap with his super, if you have 5 bars you can kill someone just with it/ too easy Posted by Nate X Grey on 10:03:2000 08:09 PM: Just fucking try to get your opponent into a corner and combo into the lightning super. His is good for poking but c.lp is better for starting combos. His s.hp can be cancelled out with a down motion, so it means you can do s.hp, d.lp and stuff like that. Lightning super immediately after a launch does good damage but you get much less hits than if the opponent is on the ground. Shurikens can be controlled up or down, so too his shuriken super, so use this to your advantage. Use his d+hk in the air because its a great crossup and doesn't push opponents back much so you can combo easier when you land. Ah heck! Just do 3x ice enhancement and chip away. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Cybermitsu on 10:06:2000 12:16 PM: Just find my junky ass FAQ on gamefaqs and read some stuff. You'll find some... interesting things in there... I have really got to update that damn ol' thing. Posted by Limp_Bizkit666 on 10:06:2000 01:27 PM: i'm confused about this "ice x 3" thing.... how do you do this? do you mean " do the ice thing once, and when you are about to run out, do another one" or do you mean " do the ice mode three times in a row, so that you basically waste 2 other supers"? or if you do ice mode 3 times, it makes it 3 times better or something?? i don't know.. i LOVE using silver samurai and i abuse his shurikens... i just combo the opponent and throw the shorikens and cancel it to the super wheather or not the opponent blocks or not... it kinda seems like it takes more damage if theey block... maybe just an illusion.. oh well.. please explain what "ice x 3" is.. cause it sound so cool... oh, and his lk lk to lightening super then mashing like hell takes SOOOOO much damage out.. YEAH! Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts. Note: The Signature feature is currently enabled by this bulletin board's administrator. You may use UBB Code in this field, but not HTML. The UBB Code Image tag is not permitted, however. Posted by Cybermitsu on 10:07:2000 04:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Limp_Bizkit666: i'm confused about this "ice x 3" thing.... Ok. Let me clarify it for you. When Silver Samurai (Sam) uses the ice power-up three times in a row, his defense increases and he gains the power of hyper armor when he's on the ground. With the hyper armor action going around, he can walk through a lot of projectiles without much ill-effects, although they do sting him a little bit. To put into perspective how much damage he can take: His defense is estimated at 45%; Sentinel is about 50%!!!!! Don't even get me started on the "IC Glitch." Posted by Cybermitsu on 10:12:2000 07:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by celestboy: Does anyone have any good strategies for this Evil Swordsmen? He must be a top-tier character because he's so freakin' hard to learn. Ok Thanks! MvC2 doesn't suck! You just suck at it! First, let me get all the sword power-ups all clairified. Ice - qcb+short Fire - qcb+roundhouse Lightning - qcb+p Now, here are some tips that you should know about how Silver Samurai (sam) should be used in each mode. Ice - this has got to be one of the saddest things to use on an opponent. First, it gives you super armor on the ground as well as a defence increase. However, your strength goes down like a little bitch. After subsequent uses of the ice-powerup, your strength returns to normal. After three uses, he'll get hyper armor. Plus in this mode he has a little trick... But I think that I'll save it for my FAQ (shameless plug). Fire - people always hate to use this powerup. I however enjoy it. Why? Sam get's a major drop in defense, but his attack power goes off the charts. We are talking about killing strider in two air combos. Plus his defense goes back to normal after subsequent uses of the powerup. BTW, his normals chip in this mode. Lightning - this mode is for the combo mongers. His ground chains become a zigzag rather than a stronger series. Plus he can tack on a Chou Shuriken at the end of air combos. Did I also mention that his shurikens gain a major speed increase? Knew I forgot something. Biggest strategy with Sam: Go after his assists. His Raimei Ken (lightning strike) rapes them like bitchs. I wouldn't go as far as saying that he's top tier; he's good but he has some major flaws. One: no proper anti-air. (helpers work but what happens when they die?) Two: uses up too many supers. (most of the cool 100% shit takes 5 bars) Three: Raimei Ken doesn't go full screen and leaves sam really vulnerable to counters during it. eg. 3xAHVB Posted by wongdongy on 10:16:2000 05:51 AM: I always team him up with Cyclops anti-air. Call out cyclops and do the lightning attack. Very similar to the storm/cyclops "trick" (don't know what else to call iit...not really a trap) A suggestion is to pick Silver Samurai with's my favorite costume for any character. Posted by silenttiger on 11:16:2000 11:36 PM: I like Silver Samurai with Magneto and Doom. I like to do Magneto's Air Combo into Doom's Rocket thing that goes vertical and finish with the lightning super that Silver Samurai has. It doesn't do the type of damage that you would expect but it looks cool and takes off a considerable amount. Posted by DGNR8 on 11:17:2000 12:31 AM: Hmmmm, this is a good one, when I use Silver Samurai, I make sure I have one quick character as his partner (ie. Strider), and the other a power character, or one with a good assist (Akuma, Blackheart). Now keep in mind this one, if the bastard your fighting blocks alot, keep throwing the shuriken at him. It does great blocking damage. The triple shuriken does wonders for blocking damage too. But make sure your a point blank when you do that. Here's a good strategie I like to use... Call in Akuma's assist (Expansion), while your opponent is taking the hits, fire away with the shurikens or the triple shuriken and make sure all of them hit. That strategie might not be good for you, but I like to use it. Oh, and I do recommend you check out Cybermitsu's FAQ, it's a good one. Posted by CoolJ_16 on 11:18:2000 03:58 AM: i just started using silver samarai and he is hella good. first to start things off his he has 3 different modes he can go into with his sword and each mode can be used effectively. now if u want to chip like mad than ice mode is the one u want. ice mode makes silver samarai have hyper armor when charged three times which means he cant be launched into an air combo. it also alows you to use the ice stab hyper combo. this hyper combo chips more than any hyper combo in this game. if your opponent is almost at the middle of the screen being closer to you and the middle pull out the ice stab hyper combo and watch as your opponent loses 1/2 of their life from the block damage!!!!!! also this hyper combo is awesome because it has to be blocked low. if you hit them with this hyper combo and have some supers u can still use change into fire mode and hit them with an air combo while their frozen and it will take off hella. if u want to take off damage like mad use fire mode. this mode makes him very weak but hella strong. one air combo takes off half your opponents life. u can help get your defense back while in this mode if u charge the fire sword 3 times. it doesnt have to be 3 times in a row. but in the match u have to have charged it 3 times and u basically will get your defense back to normal. alot of people think lightning mode sucks. but it is actually pretty good. it makes silver samarai gain alot of speed allowing him to pull off longer combos and it allows him to pull off his 3 shuriken hyper combo in the air. i know he takes off crappy damage but when u need to be quicker around crap then go into this mode. oh ya and silver samarai loses some defense in this mode but if u charge his lightning sword 3 times he will gain all of his defense back. if anyone knows any 100% combos with silver samarai post them ppppplllllleeeeaaaaasssseee also someone did a pretty good faq of silver samarai at so if u want any combos or got any questions that faq will most likely answer them. -You gotta be the best to beat the best.- Posted by KiyokiX on 11:19:2000 09:10 AM: I think Silver Samurai is one of the funnest characters to use, he is just too cool. I just wanna tell u how I use him. Alpha assist: great for putting pressure on opponents, good damage as well After building up supers with battery character (i use spiral), get into ice mode and make a point of hitting them with the ice floe super to freeze them, then switch to fire mode and land a huge combo on them or just use the fire pillar, this does huge damage. I think ice mode is his best powerup mode, the super/hyper armor, and the ice floe's usefulness definitely makes up for the slight loss in attack power. Other Stuff: crouching lk,mk into Ramei-ken, then mash like a madman end air comboes with air throw, or shuriken, if the shuriken hits, all is good, if not, the chip damage is great. if u get the opponent in the corner, use lightning mode to combo the tri-shuriken in an air combo, then switch to fire and use the fire pillar while they are falling. Overall, Sam is great for punishing assists and for chip damage with the shurikens, but one of his major weaknesses is his limited jumping ability, without a good assist, he has trouble getting close to keep away players. His versatility makes him a great addition to any team in may opinion. He's not top-tier but he is fun to use. Sayonara KiyokiX Posted by Viscant on 11:19:2000 11:54 AM: Hm. I think Samurai is a pretty good illustration of a 2nd tier character. I think the character has a lot of major flaws. He's immobile, he's a black hole for super meter and he's overly dependent on one other character, Doom. Without Doom, Samurai's main weapons, the "terror tactics" are fairly useless and people have no problem just sitting in a corner, blocking and turtling him out. Still, he's one of my pet characters, I like his feel and since I already play Doom, he's worth a shot. So here's how I see him. Powerups: Bottom line, don't even think about it. Fire: The increase in power gained is offset by the fact that he gives up his main weapon, lightning super. Admittedly, yes, if you make contact (especially near the corner), they're in for a world of pain. That cuts both ways though. This is probably the most feasible powerup, but the risk taken is too great. Samurai plays a pressure game and by beating someone into a corner, you are likely going to take a few hits in the process. Fire mode activated is usually the difference between living through those and being able to do serious damage, or dying before your time. Lightning: This is pointless. If you want a faster character with chains, there are about 30 others in the game that will be better suited for you. Loss of star chip is too great a price to pay for chains. Besides, if you ever make contact, you can put them in a lot of pain already with combo into lightning super. Lightning activation is a waste of a super that could be put to use elsewhere. Ice: Contrary to popular opinion, this may be the worst powerup. Ice x 3 is only good if people are trying to rush you down and is three levels a good price to pay for super armor for 20 seconds or less? Methinks not. Besides, all the "good" icesword combos can be mashed out of, including that one from Mike_Z with jab, strong, ice floor, repeat. Ice floor doesn't hold them for very long at all with mashing...very similar duration to blackheart's ground demon stun. Neat trick until people figure it out though. Small decrease on star chip hurts the cause as well. Basically, just think of how much free damage one of samurai's supers nets him anyways, and see that it's not really worth giving up that guaranteed damage for something that, best case scenario, only marginally benefits you. Team chemistry: Like I said in the intro, Doom is absolutely necessary to prolonged Samurai usage. That said, he can be a thorn in your side when you try to create a team. The team I play Samurai on most is Doom/Storm/SilSam. As you can see, this gives me a lot of headaches. Having to be extra careful not to get Doom in any trouble because he's so essential to Samurai is a pain. You may not be a big fan of Storm or any other 3rd characters I find noteworthy with Samurai (although if you're curious, I think he goes best with Doom, Storm, Magneto, Sentinel, Cyclops, Ken in that order). So for this, we'll just look at Doom/Samurai. Obviously, one of the main weapons with Samurai is the DHC. Doom takes advantage of this very well. If Doom catches them with say...a low short, that's 150-170% damage if you have 3.5 supers stored up. Doom does standard air combo into airdash super (airdash is important as it affects Samurai's positioning. if you don't airdash, they fall out very often or take too little damage), then Samurai finishes them off with lightning super. That's almost always enough to kill, but if it isn't, dropping doom, then 2 stars will be. Anyways, after that, here's where the fun begins. After they die, drop Doom around where they'll fall, then keep dashing forward. You want to be as close to them as possible for this. As they drop in, pay attention to what they're doing. If they start doing any "dodgeball" tactics, like teleporting, airdashing, lightning attack air alter type stuff, just lightning super them immediately. If they fall in blocking, you do star, star super (if you're close enough, Doom will still be there). Now, right as Doom starts his taunt, jump in crossup rh, then do short, rh, call doom again, star, star super, star. That's good damage especially if they can do very little to stop it (since the pause was covered by a crossup, you can't just call an assist, you have to do a DP or something that beats his rh...not many moves do) To my knowledge, Samurai doesn't have any practical guard breaks, although if you have Cyclops on your team, you can get free damage off that guard break. (call cyclops, blocked, low fierce, lightning, then do the double blocked super with doom. so essentially if you have a team of doom/samurai/cyclops, you can, in theory, get 2 characters dead if doom makes contact with a full super meter. pretty nice). Also, something else that the Doom/Samurai team does well is kill assists. Doom can jump up next to them and do photon array, then samurai does lightning and if they lived through that, you can drop Doom before they land, then juggle with another lightning super which will DEFINITELY kill them. Or you could put him 3rd in an already potent assist killing team (like I do with Doom/Storm) and make sure that not even Sentinel assist makes it through alive after 1 cycle. Combos: Bah, who needs 'em. Only real combos you need to know are standard magic series air combo ending in fierce, rh (because you can drop Doom in a "meaty" position and do the star chip after that), and low fierce, lightning super. That's all you need. Samurai isn't a combo character, he's a power character. Assists: All of them suck. I use A-type because sometimes, I'll go for a crossup with Storm or Doom and they might not hear Samurai come out and it'll hold them long enough to combo afterwards. It's an old trick and a stale one, and rarely works, but it's at least better than his other assists, which are just begging to get beat on. He definitely detracts from a team here. Oh well...don't call his number too ofen, I guess. Overall thoughts: The one thing you have to remember while playing Samurai is that you have to remember to move forward. Beating someone into a corner, or making them block a s.rh, is a free doom, star, star super. So you have real, tangible rewards for aggression. Like I said above, I think he definitely deserves to be played with a bit, I think you just have to realize that if Doom dies, he has no way to crack a turtle and no way to punish blocking (slow speed means his throws are too predictable). Also, his slow speed and lack of air maneuverability means that he'll get peppered by Blackheart or Doom-A assists mercilessly. Not much you can do about it, but make sure you have other characters on the team who do well in situations where he's weak. I think Doom/Magneto/Samurai and Doom/Storm/Samurai are probably your best bets to make a good Samurai team. --Jay Snyder Le Viscant Posted by silenttiger on 11:20:2000 08:43 PM: Hey Viscant, What assist do you use for doom? I piss a lot of people off because of Doom's anti air assist. The fact that I usually use that in combination with iceman doesn't make them any happier. I say it's only cheesy when they can't beat it. I usually only restort to this team after I've been cheesed first. At that point, I think anything goes. I'll probably play Doom/SS/Iceman but my favorite is Doom/SS/Magneto or Magnet/SS/Guile. What do you think? Posted by pataylahat on 11:24:2000 12:14 AM: silver samurai can be described in one word: variety he is excelllent in all the elements. my stratedgies are as follows: fire: heh heh "jin mode". a jab will even chip you. get up close and pin your opp with helpers w/this ice: purely for def. i do ice rush when opp and/or helper is open. good against keep away people since damage u take is minimal lighting: sadly i have to charge up to at least 2 to get my max effect. a good ground series for him is jb,shrt,strng,frwrd,rndhse,tri shuriken super. or to do an air combo: jb,frwrd,d+fp,(air) jb,shrt, tri shuriken super (somewhat guide it for more hits) my signature team w/silver samurai is with hayato and strider (kinda easy to fig out why) Posted by Pryde on 11:24:2000 02:27 AM: His RH throw in the air in the corner is unrollable. All times are GMT. The time now is 04:56 PM. 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